
10 days of full on flying at Bir Billing – June 2009

10 days of full on flying at Bir Billing – June 2009


This June, Daniel Fernandes accompanied Ravi, Vinya, Bandya and Sandeep on their Bir Billing flying trip. After a day exploring Delhi en route from Mumbai they headed up the mountains further north to cooler climes and peaceful familiar surroundings.

It was raining when they got there and after a few days of being holed up in their rooms’ playing cards and relaxing the weather cleared and it was time to take off.

This time around they tasted the magic of Billing with many XC flights to the Red Temple, Golf Course and Big Face and back.  After 10 full on days of flying the Nirvana Adventues paragliding crew returned home to Kamshet triumphant and satisfied.

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid Rao

Author: Astrid Rao

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