Year: 2008

Another Beautiful Shelar Evening

Another Beautiful Shelar Evening

Sanjay and I drove to the site together just after the team. The wind was straight when we got there at 4 pm. The tandems were already in the air and students were ground handling and doing hops. Got to takeoff at past 5 and geared up. It was a full on Shelar evening with [...]
Tranquil Skies

Tranquil Skies

  Although the wind was cross when we reached the site in the afternoon it turned earlier than last week. I can see that we are approaching the ‘Full On’ Shelar summer days. A nice steady wind coming in straight meant good lift and the possibility of wandering about in the sky. Spotted a long [...]


  A cold north wind penetrating all the way down to the peninsula ensured ‘iffy’ conditions at Shelar.  I was able to stay up for half hour of scratching along the little south face. The wind was cross coming from the north – a phenomenon we are seeing a lot of for the last month [...]
The Restitution Rules

The Restitution Rules

Again this weekend the wind is cross and mild. But patient paragliders got the most amazing flights. Characteristically the afternoon began with us all hanging about in the shade of the 3 Bhendi trees by the landing field. As the evening progressed the restitution gracefully slid in and Sunil, Ron and I enjoyed the smooth [...]
Spring ushers in winds of change

Spring ushers in winds of change

The east wind is still pushing inwards in the morning and holds its own for the early part of the day. Pilots get to Tower Hill in morning and head back to the guesthouse for lunch and a snooze. The west wind has now begun to consistently creep in by late afternoon enabling us to [...]
Rahul Gandhi Paragliding at Kamshet

Rahul Gandhi Paragliding at Kamshet

Rahul Gandhi Learns Paragliding with Nirvana Adventures  at Kamshet  Rahul Gandhi (Member of Parliament & Vice President of the Indian National Congress) and his team from Amethi participated in Nirvana Adventures   Paragliding 3 Day Residential Course  at Native Place . Their goal was to experience  free flight as part of a team building exercise. They endorsed Nirvana Adventures with [...]
Parapente en Inde

Parapente en Inde

Inde du sud Philippe Grimpaillou is back with a team of pilots from France. They simply love the air in India. ‘Incredible!’ Is the word they often use to describe the flying the people and the camaraderie they find here.It’s always a pleasure to host them. We missed Francois Gwen and Karen who did not [...]