
Angel Lift

Angel Lift

Nirvana Adventures paragliding training session

Driving up to Kamshet on Friday morning was an exciting affair as always. Sanjay Dwane and I headed out at an unearthly hour to get to the training site on time.We had a luncheon party planned for the village kids and us at the site after the training and we were looking forward to an interesting afternoon.


Nirvana Adventures Elementary Pilot course participants November 08

Gave the flying site a miss in this afternoon and decided to stay and enjoy a quiet peaceful Native Place. Hiked up to Boulder Rock in the evening (our secret sunset watch point) to commune with the birds, the rocks and the setting sun and then we all got together to enjoy the night sky, the stars, the moon and the amazing fragrance of the Raat Rani (night jasmine)

Saturday saw Hiren Dwane and Me head for Tower Hill early in the morning. The skies welcomed us with fantastic conditions – light winds and small thermals and, although one could not get too high it was a hospitable friendly sky to glide about in.

By late morning the winds were howling and Ravi, Dwane and Hiren took off at about 3 pm in fairly strong wind conditions. They got up to 1400 meters. Looking at them from the takeoff getting super high, wings pitching and twitching, I sank down besides my glider and decided it was better to watch and wait. Presently I was rewarded with super smooth lifting conditions – the flying experience akin to floating in a beautiful dream. ‘Angel Lift’ I like to call it.


On Sunday afternoon too we faced a similar phenomenon with strong gusty winds but this time they persisted for a while and just when I began to think that walking back to the van as a possibility, things got better. I launched and was greeted by a welcoming even tempered sky.

All and all it was a great weekend.  All the students in the Elementary Pilot course logged many flights and were super excited and I got the conditions that I had been hankering after since our Bir Billing trip in October.

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid Rao

Author: Astrid Rao

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