
Back to the City

Back to the City

It’s been a week since I’ve been back to the city, and I’m still unsure if I like being back. One thing I do know is that I definitely miss Native Place and Nirvana Adventures. Unfortunately, it was back to reality (and traffic) for me. These are some of the things I miss most about being in Kamshet:

The Madness at the site:
People running around to figure out which glider is theirs, kids chasing you to carry your glider, and then looking for that elusive spot in the shade. It’s all part of the sport, especially if you’re flying at Kamshet.

Run, Run Run!
Run, Run Run!

The Parawaiting:
Obviously up next is the parawaiting, although I’m not sure if I really will miss that. But on most days it is the bonding time that you get with your fellow pilots (and also when you snigger about the poor students who are listening to “run, run, run”)

"Maybe we should just take a nap"
“Maybe we should just take a nap”

Soaring at Kamshet:
Of course this makes the list. What would Kamshet be without the flying? Whether it is soaring at Shelar, watching the sun go down over Vadivali lake, or watching the expressway as the tower gets smaller under you, both these views are breath-taking. And it’s what is surely going to make me keep coming back for more.

Soar like a bird
Soar like a bird

The People:
What can I say about the people? The Nirvana crew, the staff at Native Place and all the other loonies from all over the world. I’m going miss seeing each of you 24×7 (although I’m not sure if the feeling is reciprocated always!)

Goofing around at Shelar
Goofing around at Shelar

The Umbar Tree:
The little escape spot, right in the middle of the guesthouse, but still manages to retain it’s peace and quiet, and of course the battleground for the hammocks. A favourite afternoon spot for all, and one that suddenly makes everyone want to climb a tree!

Over the Umbar
Over the Umbar

Sunset at Native Place:
After a long, hot day at the site, you grab your evening chai, or soup on some days and head up to the roof. Watching the sunset here never gets boring. Each sunset is different with the colours and clouds, and the gold of the lake and it’s something I could do every evening (unless, of course, I’m watching it from the sky at Shelar hill).

A room with a view
A room with a view

The Lake and Garden at Native Place:
Waking up to the sound of the birds at Native Place and then walking out of your room to a view of the lake, what can be better than that? The only thin that can complete this picture is probably a cup of chai. Well, I guess I better get used to waking up to car horns and a view of the neighbour’s kitchen.

Shanti time
Shanti time

Saturday Nights on the roof:
As the stars come out, the aroma of the Tandoori chicken wafts through the guesthouse. No weekend at Native Place is complete without the Tandoor on the terrace, and occasionally a treat of cheese naans. And these nights often get crazy, so make sure you have your party hats on.

"Say cheese"
“Say cheese”

Star Gazing:
Even if we didn’t know the name of the constellations, we spent hours staring at the sky to be occasionally rewarded with a shooting star (not it was NOT a plane!) Midweek on the roof was the ideal time for this. I am definitely planning on being there for the next eclipse or meteor shower (I hope).

Well, this list could go on for longer, what with the bonfires, the swims in the lake, water-fights and all that other crazy stuff that goes on at Native Place. But I’m going to stop now otherwise I’ll have to start packing my bags and hitch the next ride out of Mumbai. So yes, it is goodbye to Native Place for now, but I’m still going to be there every weekend possible!

Author: Astrid Rao

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