
Paragliding at Bir Billing – 3

Paragliding at Bir Billing – 3


Had a flight on the 22nd and the 23rd – a little bit of thermalling over the house thermal and then heading out to the landing field. I’m pleased with my progress but have a million questions in my head while airborne that somehow seem insignificant once I’ve landed. Met Steve in the evening and he offered to take me tandem the next day – sounds like a plan – I’m excited and eager.

billing_07_131.jpgBy now my days are pretty much fallen into rhythm. – making an early morning cup of tea for Sunil, Shirish and me, then a quiet visit to the monastery followed by breakfast with the group, heading out to the flying site and hanging out at the teashop there until it is time to fly, landing at sunset point, catching a quick bite, time out on my own to wander explore and reflect until its time to meet the group for dinner.

dsc00362.jpgToday I had an hour and a half long tandem flight with Steve. It was breathtaking and an amazing learning experience. I can’t wait to fly solo tomorrow.

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid & 

Author: Astrid Rao

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