Paragliding at Bir Billing – 4
Today’s hour long flight was a triumph. Thermalling can grow on you- it takes a fine awareness that is challenging, absorbing and exciting. My variometer was acting up and remained silent for most of the flight but there was no stopping me. I turned and turned and milked the tiniest updraft. My instructor’s occasional reassuring voice on the radio kept me going.
It feels great to be high – to rise up mightily above it all, to fly with and follow the magnificently graceful Himalayan Griffon vultures and black shouldered kites.
The conquering hero has now developed a confident stride.
Met for dinner at the 3 women’s dhaba – this mother & daughters team is simply fantastic. Great home cooked food and loads of genuine friendly warmth. I’m grateful for meeting and connecting with so many wonderful people. Chintu who had arrived only yesterday played the flute for us, Gokul whistled along – a magical setting for an impromptu concert.
Peace Bliss & Happy Landings