
Black Winged Kite

We have often seen the black winged kite hovering alongside the takeoff at Shelar displaying enviable kiting skills and then suddenly swooping down soundlessly to catch a lizard or a mouse in its talons. Spotting one is always causes excitement and just watching it hover is awesome.


Taking a picture of one however, has always been a futile task as the birds are always far off and when perfectly placed just above takeoff I find myself far below trudging up the slope only to find that it has risen high up to a dot in the sky by the time I am ready to click.

 But today Shirish and Jenny walked into Native Place gently holding what seemed to be a young adult specimen. They had rescued it on the highway a few miles away from the traffic on the highway and a man poking it with a stick. This beautiful gentle creature will stay a while until it gets over its shock and is able to fly high once more.

Author: Astrid Rao

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