Category: Flying with Friends

Dylan goes XC

Dylan goes XC

Sunday was an amazing day. We all got pretty high. Dylan got up to 1500 and headed out as planned. He flew downwind and landed at Lonavala about 10 km as the crow flies. Some of us went to retrieve him and when he met he said with a big grin “I left the dog to die’ A phrase we picked up from Jocky Sanderson.

XC Flying with Jocky Sanderson at Kamshet, India

XC Flying with Jocky Sanderson at Kamshet, India

They flew 6 km back over the hill in a down wind glide. Just 6 km you may say but we were super excited to see Rinul and Foram head out . Way to go girls I said to myself as I kept turning in sink to get yet another view of the crescent shaped wings fading out as they glided further away from us. My heart flew with them.

3 Day Paragliding Safety & Thermalling Course with Jocky Sanderson at Kamshet

3 Day Paragliding Safety & Thermalling Course with Jocky Sanderson at Kamshet

All in all it was a wonderful experience. Jocky Sanderson acted as a catalyst and raised our energy levels, heightened ur eagerness to learn & better ourselves. Practice Practice Practice, Push your boundaries, become one with your wing were the key words flying around. He changed the way we percieved our home sites and opened our thought process to new and exciting possibilities.