
Paragliding Diwali Week at Kamshet

Paragliding Diwali Week at Kamshet

diwali_07_023.jpgDag arrived at Native Place on Wednesday in the early hours of the morning in time for Diwali this year. The last weekend I noticed that the ‘Raat ki Rani’ or the Queen of the night was covered with buds – such a coincidence that  they have geared up to scent up the night with their amazing fragrance for the next week or more as if in time to welcome Dag back. He simply loves the fragrance!

We can look forward to heavenly scented Diwali nights diwali_07_051.jpgminus the noise and air pollution and returning to native place each evening after a sunny day at the site to sit out on a cool stone platform and taking deep meditative breaths as the calming fragrance wafts through the air and envelopes us. Fairy lights will simply add to the atmosphere.

diwali_07_043.jpgIn the flying department the weather has played truant with us through the week and the very mild and off conditions have meant small but intense flights staying close to the ridge, taking turns to sink low and then work hard to redeem ourselves back to ridge level.

diwali_07_026.jpgThursday was special though and saw us all flying long and hard in the morning. A two hour plus flight ended with landing at the edge of the field with my new glider overshooting and hitting the dusty road ahead of me. It took me a while to clean out the dust from my wing but all of us – Doc who is here for an entire glorious month of flying, Siddharth, Dylan, Dag and me were  buzzing after great flights. Strong winds and thermals added to the drama in the air not to mention Dag’s many helicopters, SAT’s and spiral dives.


Author: Astrid Rao

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