
Diwali Week at Native Place

Diwali Week at Native Place


The festival of lights was celebrated in style with oil lamps adding to the warm glow at Native Place. Lamps, Fireworks great food and happy people set the festive mood and students, pilots and house guests all had a wonderful time, away from the noisy firecrackers and pollution in our own little piece of paradise.

Sunith Rao learns to fly
Many new gliders were opened on this auspicious occasion. Sunith Rao spent the week at the training hill with the new Ozone Ground Hog and enjoyed the forward launch runs downhill and the odd hop.


The wind was fairly mild and very very switchy and the training progressed slowly.

I was happy to go off to the Tower and fly with Hiren, Dwane, Hans and the rest of the gang. It kept me from having to watch my son on the training hill.A  lot of para waiting ensued but we were able to squeeze in the odd half hour to an hour and this kept us extremely happy. Gokul in his new Airwave Sport 4 entered the air at Kamshet and reported that he was extremely happy with it.  Daniel in a new Element and I too got a brand new Mojo 2.

What is it with new gliders and the preoccupation of keeping them clean? Last year this time I had a new glider that I landed on a dusty road on the very first flight. This year too I did the very same thing instantaneously making a brightly colored wing eat dust and look suitably faded.

Author: Astrid Rao

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