
Eager to fly – paragliding training begins

Eager to fly – paragliding training begins

Here at Nirvana Adventures Kamshet we began the first batch of the new paragliding season with a mixed group of eager to fly students joining the first Elementary pilots batch.  Max from Germany, friends Eldho, Vipin and Raghu from Trivandarum, Dr. Bhushan and daughter from jodhpur, Charles from Chennai, Shere from Quatar, Vikas and  Nupur from Mumbai, and Samir and Sanjiv from Pune.

We all spent a great few days in the post monsoon green environs of Kamshet, ambling about in the tall grasses happy to be out on the hillsides every morning. We had a few showers to dodge and one day we were rained out but the end result was memorable flights, and  happy holidays 🙂

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid & Sanjay Rao

Author: Astrid Rao

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