
Grounded for the weekend

Grounded for the weekend


I spent the weekend in Mumbai and felt like my friend Paulo who went back to Italy after flying in India a while ago and messaged me saying his body was in in Italy and his heart was still in India. Well that is exactly how i felt this weekend. I spent thursday through sunday dwelling on flying at towerhill, the wind conditions, the garden at native place and my friends Steve, Suzanne, Severine and Jeremy who were up there while i was out here.

I met Severine and Jeremy a Swiss couple who were traveling with a tandem on a flying holdiay in India at Bir this October and was looking forward to catching up with them but sometimes things dont turn out how you want them to.

Anyways the picture above is taken by Severine at Tower Hill – I  can see Steve, Sandeep, Robin    and gang from the Swede group and there is Severine sitting below.

Author: Astrid Rao

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