Just Bin It – Keeping our sites clean
To drive up to the top of the mountain in the crisp cool hours of a winter morning, check the wind direction as you alight from the van at the parking, breathe in clean air, listen to the birds chirp and enjoy the sun on your skin – This is a classic early morning ‘Tower Hill’ moment for me but with the sport becoming popular our remote and pristine sites are getting marred by garbage.Yes litter at the flying site is a sad depressing sight. It often spurs us into getting our hands dirty with spontaneous collection drives that give immense satisfaction. But Sammy one of our guest tandem pilots from France decided to take it one step further and do something more permanent.He said something about a joint effort to me. I heard him discuss with Ravi and Bandya who were telling him that a bin would not last a day. Yes nothing remains at the site except for garbage and a bin would surely be carried away by shepherds. They finally came up with the idea of puncturing the bin from the bottom (so as to render it useless for any other use) and then fixing it into the ground
It sure was a joint venture – You see Chico, Consuelo and Stan helping to dig out a foundation and fix the bin into the ground in the picture above – I was asked to bring big garbage bags from Mumbai and the Nirvana Crew agreed to periodically empty the bin and dispose the garbage.People we need your involvement to protect the natural beauty of our flying sites Do your bit and bin it!Peace Bliss & Happy LandingsAstrid Rao