
Keeping our flying sites clean

Keeping our flying sites clean

 nirvana kids clean up at shelar siteI mentioned in last weekends blog about flying back to the parking and enjoying the sunset. what i did not mention was that the parking was strewn with litter – wafer, chewing gum and chocolate wrappers, plastic water bottles  Macdonalds too – horrifying sights. It was not just the parking there was litter all along the path and even at takeoff. Alarm bells were ringing in my head but it was the end of the weekend and i was on my way back to the city.   I thought about it all next week and realised it needed some immediate &  serious intervention. So on Saturday afternoon we got to Shelar with garbage bags and a plan. white garbage bags were distributed among the pilots and students and black among the kids at the site. A competition was announced – black versus white or pilots versus the kids ( no prizes for guessing who won 🙂 )

We collected 43 bags of garbage in one evening! Pilots lets be pro active – get your hands dirty and get the job done. Lets all pick up the trash and not wait for the next person. Believe me it gives instant results and intangible rewards.

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid RaoP.s.  

The hillside was burnt on Monday – notice the charred hillsides in the background of the pic. Luckily the main takeoff was spared so our gliders wont get sooty.

Author: Astrid Rao

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