
My first flight from the stunning Lake View site

My first flight from the stunning Lake View site

flying at the lake view site above native place

The hills behind Native Place are an amazing place to walk about. Easy meandering paths through leafy arbors, interesting boulders, caves, streams, sun bleached grasses, stunning views of the lake below and the hills all around as well as the chance to walk about in solitude are some of the things that draw me up here.

The lake view site held no great attraction for me because the idea of trekking up with my glider did not sit well with me nor did a cliff launch. On a good day one can gain enough altitude to head out and pilots have made it to Shelar and even to Tower Hill from here but the access to the site is restricted as it is private land.

But Philippe our friend from Moustiers Ste Marie who visits us each winter loves the site and asked me to join him for a tandem flight.  Nil wind, committed run’s ( from the both of us) and we were off. Clearing the cliff and watching the ground suddenly disappear was thrilling as was exploring our many favorite paths from the air.

We flew with the swifts and swallows in an orange sky. A great landing at Uksaan village followed by interaction with a bunch of curious village kids one of whom came up to ask me if I knew Sanjay Rao 🙂

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid Rao

Author: Astrid Rao

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