
New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

It’s 2014 and I can’t believe I’ve been at Nirvana Adventures for 3 whole months already. And each month has been very different (in a good way). People say that the way you begin the year is a sign as to how the year is going to be, and I hope it is, because water fights are a super way to begin the new year!

Chicco after being drenched
Chicco after being drenched
Next time you are at Native Place, make sure you watch for people skulking around with buckets. You don’t want to be caught in the crossfire (unless, of course, you want to join the fun).
The culprit being caught red handed!
The culprit being caught red handed!
The end of 2013 also came with the first signs of the west wind. Eager pilots and the Nirvana crew made their way to Shelar hill along with a very young and excited audience.
3 year old Taalin watching the gliders at Shelar
3 year old Taalin watching the gliders at Shelar
December at Native Place was also probably the first time I saw a full house with almost 60 people at the guest house, but with all the nooks and crannies, everyone still had their private space to escape to. My current favourite spot is the bench near the fish pond (although this preference changes almost every 3 days).
The bench by the fish pond
The bench by the fish pond
Although, I don’t think people wanted to escape, except on the 1st morning to hide those hungover faces (if you ask nicely, I’ll show you photographic evidence).

And finally since this is the first blog of the new year, it needs to have some mandatory resolutions in it. So here goes:
1. I will try to fall less and fly more.
2. I will not begin water fights (unless provoked)
3. I will not hog the hammock and promise to share (or atleast pretend to).
4. I will not throw stones at people while parawaiting (it’s time to find new ways of entertainment)
5. And, I will take less afternoon naps (am getting too used to these).
So have a great new year everyone, and good luck with your resolutions as I’m already struggling with mine!

Author: Astrid Rao

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