
Nirvana Adventures announces the opening of the new paragliding Season 2015 October to 2016 May at Kamshet, Maharashtra, India

Nirvana Adventures announces the opening of the new paragliding Season 2015 October to 2016 May at Kamshet, Maharashtra, India

First Batch of the season
First Batch of the season

Hi All,

Elementary pilot courses began on the 2nd of October 2015  with a batch of excited students from all over the country. The training hill was buzzing with excitement once again. Instructors were happy to be back running up and down the hillsides alongside a batch of excited happy students

Ready for takeoff! — with Anand Karthik and Ganesh Shinde at Nirvana Paragliding Club , Kamshet , India
Ready for takeoff! — with Anand Karthik and Ganesh Shinde at Nirvana Paragliding Club , Kamshet , India

Club Pilot courses began the next week and soon pilots from Mumbai and Pune began to pour in too eager to be airborne after the long monsoon gap.

Flying done, time to head back to Native Place for more fun - Nirvana Paragliding Club , Kamshet , India.
Flying done, time to head back to Native Place for more fun – Nirvana Paragliding Club , Kamshet , India.













Dylan, Rinul, Sunith and Kalyan and Sudhir were the first to land up. They wanted to air their wings and pilot skills before heading out to the Himalayas to get onto the xc trail. Here’s a pic of them with SIV Guru Jockey Sanderson in Bir Billing soon after the world competition.

Emil was not far behind – he quit his job and came earlier than planned 🙂

Meeting old friends on the hill - at Nirvana Paragliding Club, Kamshet
Meeting old friends on the hill – at Nirvana Paragliding Club, Kamshet

Colin is back after a year of being away and is committed to make up for lost airtime

Fooling about in the landing field - at Nirvana Paragliding Club, Kamshet - India
Fooling about in the landing field – at Nirvana Paragliding Club, Kamshet – India

Anand = antics and when he gets together with Emil be prepared for laughs!

Dinesh holds his wing up for Emil's camera - para fun at Nirvana Paragliding Club
Dinesh holds his wing up for Emil’s camera – para fun at Nirvana Paragliding Club

Dinesh walks into Emil’s frame – the fun and laughter continue in the landing field

Nirvana Pilots – Quick comment

Don Dmello –  Wed 4th November

Strong winds on takeoff for GH at least for my skill level but smooth lift and occasional choppy thermal. Got up to 1250msl had discussed with Ravi that if I got to 1400 msl I would try to fly back to Native Place. Will have to wait another day.

Ashwin Krashwin – 8th November

1 hour 16 min flight lots of thermalling and soaring , cold sugarcane juice at Rangoli .. wonderful weekend at  kamseht … and I think I might have seen a UFO  over the lake from the terrace at Native Place


And so the flying, fun, laughter, excitement, will go on until the month of May. Make your plans, pack your bags and get here people – The circus in the sky and back home at Native Place is on once more

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings

Astrid & Sanjay Rao





Author: Astrid Rao

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