
Nirvana Paragliding Pilot profiles – Meera Poladia

Nirvana Paragliding Pilot profiles – Meera Poladia

Meet  Meera  Poladia – 20 yrs old and already flying high.  Meera,   is a Club Pilot from Mumbai   who pursues the sport of paragliding avidly.  She claims that paragliding changed her life in more ways than she ever imagined and the experience made her confident, outgoing and a better communicator.

Meera first came to Nirvana Adventures in 2014 April.  She came along with her aunt, uncle and cousin to do the Elementary Pilot Course.  At that time she was only 16 years old.  Meera had tagged along with them for the ride but she enjoyed the Elementary pilot course a lot and found it was  “so much fun”  that she was sure she wanted  to continue to the next level.

“ the first flights  were great fun, i could not get enough of being in the air”  she said longed for longer higher flights.   “Being airborne for a few minutes during the Elementary Pilot Course made me desperately want to stay longer in the air. I want to be an accomplished pilot and enjoy the sport of paragliding to its fullest”

Fired by her determination she made it back in December 2014 ( with parents in tow) to do some more short flights in preparation for the Club Pilot course when she would be able to soar for extended periods of time.  At this point she was in class 12.

She was back again in 2015 to do her Club Pilot training.  At this time she experienced her first long flight from the Shelar Paragliding Site.  “ I  was in the air even after i landed” she said.

“Paragliding with Nirvana Adventures changed me”

“ Before that i was  pretty conservative could not make  friends with people or  hold a conversation “

During my Club Pilot course i came alone. It was my first solo trip and i was the only person in the girl’s dorm.  Although i was comfortable staying at Native Place and the staff there as well as the Nirvana Adventures crew looked after me. It was a big step for me and led to lots of changes in my nature.  I became confident, outgoing and talkative

Native Place is awesome – i can hang out on my own here and have fun.  The instructors are fun but can be strict when needed.  I love the food at Native Place and keep coming here often.  It feels like hone.   Every young person should do this course ASAP “

Author: Astrid Rao

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