
Nobody told me Shelar Mama was bringing Vada pao to the site today!


Landing out at the parking is always exciting. Heading out to your favorite field you may find that it has just been tilled or worse still burnt out. Then the wind could switch and you may experience too much drift or the wind could pick up and then you may land short and have to choose another field. Of course there is no dearth of landing areas but yet i still think it is exciting. Sunil Babu likes it because you do not have to walk cross country through the fields in the dark.

I somehow have two minds about it. Yes i like the excitement of heading out but i also like to land easy in the usual landing area by the hill and hang out with the gang, watch the sunset and the metamorphosis of the scenery. I like the smells of the grasses and herbs that are always more evident in the cooling evening air and i enjoy the camaraderie of walking together with the pilots and children as well as the solitude of walking ahead alone. And so I can never be too sure about which option to choose. But today i was following Sanjay and he was making for the parking. Sanjay, me and Steve made goal and missed out on the vada pao and chai ( evening snack and tea) that Shelar mama brings to the site.

What a bummer!

Author: Astrid Rao

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