Paragliding at Shelar, Kamshet – February 2015
Hi All,

Yippee I flew last weekend!
Had not been paragliding for far too long and it felt like a special treat to finally be gearing up and driving off to the flying site with the flynirvana team. that it was a while before i realised that all my nervous energy had vanished and i was grinning to myself. We were on our way to the Shelar site Tower hill is still working in the mornings but afternoons is Shelar time – Dont u just love the Shelar site

There weren’t too many pilots there and it simply added to the charm – just us – Old friends and pilots Dinesh and Rahel visiting with their lovely 9 year old daughter Lina from Switzerland and watching Rahel help spread Dinesh’s wing on takeoff made it felt like we had simply stepped back 12 years in time.

As Rahel and me sat on that huge rock right of takeoff in the shade of the mango tree catching up on lost time . We sat like we had done a hundred times before over the years surveying the takeoff to our left, the golden brown fields below, the students running down on the bottom slopes of the hill and the tandems pass us by . I could hear the falcons screaming blue murder, see a kite hovered and listen to that familiar rustling sound of tandem wings as they flew by.
Idyllac – is the word i would say!
So guys – Shelar is on once more – come enjoy this yet untouched site with its golden brown grasses glowing at sunset and no sign of civilization around, spunky kids and beautiful winds – a small piece of pg wonder in India
Astrid Rao and the flynirvana team