
Paragliding in December

Paragliding in December

Waiting for the sun
Waiting for the sun

Hi All,

As many of you may already know, December is a great time to paraglide in Kamshet. The Tower hill flying site is usually at its best in terms of conditions with consistent flying and windows of opportunity for pilots of all abilities through the day. Why December you may ask:  it is the holiday season,  it is too cold to fly in Europe and here at Kamshet we have consistent sunshine,  great flying weather and the vibrant yet serene native place guesthouse with its great food, atmosphere  and friends  to go home with at the end of the day.
Delightful interactions in the landing field
Delightful interactions in the landing field

This year’s December guest list included the usual European groups -Peder of Aventycenter Sweden and his group of 18 pilots and Vincent of Paragliding Holland and his group of 12 pilots. There were also pilots Rolf Stefan and Siegfried from Austria, Andre and Katrina from Russia, Nicky & Martin new club pilots from England, Dara Hogan from Ireland, Thomas Schultz and Alan Ross from Germany as well as old friends  Irene and Stefan from Switzerland and  Chicco and Marco Doveri from Italy.

Swedish Pilots at Tower Hill
Swedish Pilots at Tower Hill

Some of the above were familiar faces, people we have known for many years , as well as first time visitors. Each guest found their own place in the sun / sky / hammock. Every guest  was treated to panoramic nature views from the air and from Native Place, enjoyed great food at Native Place, made friends,  achieved best flights and pushed their boundaries … Most of all each of them felt a sense of being at home – in  this remote rural corner of India – at a unique eco friendly and culturally sensitive guesthouse called Native Place.

Peace Bliss & Happy Landings
Astrid & Sanjay Rao
Author: Astrid Rao

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