
Parawaiting Pros

Parawaiting Pros

While I’ve been at Native Place, I’ve realized that one thing I’ve definitely become a pro at, is parawaiting. And of course some people are better at it than others. New games, new friendships and lots of mad new ideas are born out of parawaiting. Although we are not flying, it can be a lot of fun (depending on the company of course).

And it’s not just the novices, the paragliding pros are also stuck on the hill with the rest of us. Although their patience is tested at times, and they can’t wait to get out and fly.
Let there be some breeze!
Let there be some breeze!
Emil was back at Nirvana Adventures last week, and then there’s definitely entertainment at the site. However, some can’t wait for him to take off so that they get their peace and quiet back (sorry Emil, but you know it’s true).
"Please let him go fly!"
“Please let him go fly!”
But there’s no doubt that the best feeling after hours of waiting in the sun, it’s getting up into the air and soaring through the sky.
Soaring at Shelar
Soaring at Shelar
Here’s some tips for parawaiting for those still inexperienced at it:
1. Carry lots of chocolate (or even chikki), it takes the edge off
2. Watch out for flying pebbles (throwing pebbles seems to be a favourite pastime)
3. Find the slightest bit of shade that there might be, you never know how long you’re going to be up there
4. Hone up on your social skills, you’re going to have to talk to other pilots when you’re there
5. Finally, be prepared to walk back to the car (and then lift your spirits with some more chocolate)
Tandem parawaiting
Tandem parawaiting

Author: Astrid Rao

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