
Super Sunday Rained Out

Super Sunday Rained Out

Cyclone Jal took the wind out of our sails !
Another weekend on the fringes of Cyclone Jal
Saturday morning Swati accompanied Chicco to the flying site hoping for a nice long tandem flight but the wind was almost nonexistent and a few top to bottoms took place. Chetan and Vrinda (both Nirvana pg students) family were also looking forward to tandem flights but the wind stubbornly refused to give them a raise so walk back it was  Chetan’s father was very disappointed and Chicco told him that next time ‘ bhagwan se prarthna karo’ and the man was amazed to hear the Italian pilot spout hindi !
Chetan's Flying Family
And oh! Sunday turned out to be a washout for eager pilots arriving from Pune, Mumbai and elsewhere for their weekly flying fix. The last couple of weeks the rain had been coming in the late afternoon but this weekend we saw it arrive earlier to rain on the weekend pilot’s parade.
Large mean black clouds sneaked in from the SW and pilots scrambled to pack gliders at top speed and scoot back to the safety of vehicles before a seriously huge downpour began.
Chetan’s dad  got his tandem flight earlier in the morning but for the pilots the weekend was a wash out. I thought it was sad but as Chicco said – it’s all part of the game so cheers all and let’s take Chicco’s advice and pray for blue skies next weekend.
Peace Bliss &  Happy Landings
Astrid Rao
Author: Astrid Rao

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