Tag Archives: kamshet

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

It’s 2014 and I can’t believe I’ve been at Nirvana Adventures for 3 whole months already. And each month has been very different (in a good way). People say that the way you begin the year is a sign as to how the year is going to be, and I hope it is, because water [...]
When you wish upon a star…

When you wish upon a star…

Native Place was abuzz with activity last weekend as everyone gathered on the terrace for a glimpse of shooting stars. And we weren’t disappointed. Friday night we saw atleast 2 stars each (and those drinking Old Monk saw a few more of course) with a cumulative total of 12 different stars seen. The Geminids continued [...]
Cheers and Happy Landings

Cheers and Happy Landings

The last week was definitely a good time to be at Native Place. Where else would you be able to say cheers in 3 different languages? Yamas in Greek, Skal in Swedish, and Sante in French (we’re yet to figure out the Hindi version for it). The Swedes and the French (from the Reunion Islands) [...]
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish

Crackers, chaos and craziness. That’s what Diwali was like this year. Did I mention craziness? 25 paragliding students, lots of family and add a couple of Europeans to that mix. But so much fun. Photo Courtesy: Nikhil Rasiwasia The week began with Laxmi Puja and fireworks, food and an air of festivity. The Raos led [...]
Nirvana Adventures procures benches for the school children at Kamshet

Nirvana Adventures procures benches for the school children at Kamshet

Hi All , Many of you may be aware of the Golden Glades School, the only secondary school in the villages around Kamshet catering to all the children who complete their primary education in their respective village schools.Nirvana Adventures has been associated with the Golden Glades school since the 2009 when we assisted Dutchmen Eddie [...]
Ashwin’s Tryst with Paragliding at Shelar

Ashwin’s Tryst with Paragliding at Shelar

It was great fun to watch every pilot take off and quickly rise above the Shelar Mountain. There were nearly 20 pilots who had already taken to the air – Rinul Pashankar, Dylan Fernandes and Hiren Savla were amongst them. It was time for Apoorva Talwalkar and Me to join them. Finally, I said to myself with a big grin, I’m going to fly.

Let’s be grateful for our flying sites

Let’s be grateful for our flying sites

I would consider it a good occasion for us pilots flying at Kamshet to stop a moment to reflect on and be grateful for the rapport and respect we share with the local farmers and land owners at Kamshet. our access to the sites here depend on the good will of the local people and we need to tread gently and give back at least a little if not as much as we receive.