Tag Archives: paragliding blog india

When you wish upon a star…

When you wish upon a star…

Native Place was abuzz with activity last weekend as everyone gathered on the terrace for a glimpse of shooting stars. And we weren’t disappointed. Friday night we saw atleast 2 stars each (and those drinking Old Monk saw a few more of course) with a cumulative total of 12 different stars seen. The Geminids continued [...]
Gung Ho for Groundhandling

Gung Ho for Groundhandling

It’s time to go back to the basics. And to watch the pros at it, is even more fun. Between them, these pilots probably have over 70 years of flying experience. But when they decided to make a day of groundhandling, it was with all the gusto that beginners have for first flights (it was [...]
Cheers and Happy Landings

Cheers and Happy Landings

The last week was definitely a good time to be at Native Place. Where else would you be able to say cheers in 3 different languages? Yamas in Greek, Skal in Swedish, and Sante in French (we’re yet to figure out the Hindi version for it). The Swedes and the French (from the Reunion Islands) [...]
So Long and Thanks for all the Fish

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish

Crackers, chaos and craziness. That’s what Diwali was like this year. Did I mention craziness? 25 paragliding students, lots of family and add a couple of Europeans to that mix. But so much fun. Photo Courtesy: Nikhil Rasiwasia The week began with Laxmi Puja and fireworks, food and an air of festivity. The Raos led [...]
And on the 7th day she flew

And on the 7th day she flew

Saturday the weather was exceptionally good and pilots gained enough altitude to leave the hill and head for home. Ravi, Bandya, Sandeep, Doc Pathak (yes he is in the house) and our very own 16 year’ old Sunith Rao braved the instability and got all the way back to Govitri the nearest village to Native Place

Ashwin’s Tryst with Paragliding at Shelar

Ashwin’s Tryst with Paragliding at Shelar

It was great fun to watch every pilot take off and quickly rise above the Shelar Mountain. There were nearly 20 pilots who had already taken to the air – Rinul Pashankar, Dylan Fernandes and Hiren Savla were amongst them. It was time for Apoorva Talwalkar and Me to join them. Finally, I said to myself with a big grin, I’m going to fly.

Countdown till the season begins

Countdown till the season begins

With the strange overcast weather continuing over the next few days it is becoming rather difficult to fix on a date to open the season and get courses going. Simply don’t know what to tell new students who have been waiting patiently during the monsoon and are now calling in to fix their dates. It’s [...]