
Paragliding at Tower Hill  – Amazing Conditions :-)

Paragliding at Tower Hill – Amazing Conditions :-)


We got to Kamshet on Friday evening in time to meet Marco Contecelli an old friend who had come back to fly and meet up with us after 6 years of being away in Geneva and Rome. It was wonderful to see him and we reminisced about the early days and caught up on the new stuff.

n505342344_426710_9684.jpgFlying at  on of our Paragliding Sites – Tower hill was an absolute treat this weekend. Two other Visiting Paragliding Pilots (Rene) and Niles as well as a number of Nirvana club pilots – Gokul, Shin Chan, Vineet, Dylan, Sunil, Porush. Dwane and Piku drove up for an afternoon flight on Sunday.

On Saturday we took off at about three in the afternoon. Mild winds and many pilots led to a merry go around of sorts with everyone trying to stay in the narrow lift band, working hard and just about managing to stay above the takeoff level.

Porush and Renee (a visiting pilot from Singapore) bombed out after a while and landed in the fields below.  I too was pretty low for the 4th time in the span of an hour and was just thinking about leaving the slope when, like a perfect day in January the entire valley began to lift and we were all ‘on’ once more.

Paragliding at Tower Hill Kamshet

Sunith and his class mate Rehaan did Tandem Paragliding   with Ravi. Sunith was pleased with his half hour flight as Ravi gave him the controls. Sunil me and Gokul, just back from a week of flying in the Himalayas agreed that the experience had left us more confident but all the same we were happy to be enjoying the air the familiarity and the happy company at Kamshet.

n505342344_426721_2690.jpgSunday afternoon began with strong conditions and then it got progressively more hospitable. I headed back home in the morning watching the sky all the way back. It was a perfect day for cloud spotting as you can see in Jessica Mellocastro’s photos. & 


Author: Astrid Rao

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