
The Indian Moon Moth comes to the Nirvana Paragliding weekend get-together

The Indian Moon Moth comes to the Nirvana Paragliding weekend get-together

Indian Moon Month at Native Place

The Indian moon moth or Indian luna moth (Actias selene) is a species of Saturniid moth from Asia

We had a surprise visitor at the Saturday night pilot get together at Native Place the other week. It was a night flying enthusiast of a different sort or should i say a winged creature of a different classification – a beautiful Indian Moon Moth.

Ravi gets a badge of honor
Ravi gets a badge of honor
Moon Moth recognizes Sanjay
Moon Moth recognizes Sanjay













It flew right in unannounced and made contact with Sanjay Rao & Ravi Shelar as if meeting with old friends. Everyone was intrigued by this ethereal creature with its pale green almost translucent wings, furry antennae and long trailing tails. Pilots went into paparazzi mode and cameras flashed. The moon moth like a pro celeb mingled for a while and then made its way to the scarlet clock vine choosing this dramatic setting to be captured on camera.

Google says encounters with Moon moths or Luna moths are rare, so any time they bless us with their presence is not only a thrill, but a time for reflection. It is believed to appear to individuals to remind them to remove themselves from life’s petty problems and focus on greater things.

So fly high folks and stay positive
Peace Bliss & Happy Landings
Astrid Rao


Author: Astrid Rao

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