Winds of Change

Thought it would be yet another great flying day at Shelar for me on Saturday – Paragliding with Hiren Anand, Ashwin, Richard, Colin, Shubhang and Nidhi and then getting back to the guesthouse to watch the 2nd half of the cricket world cup finals on the terrace with the entire flynirvana gang. But there were two big surprises waiting for me at the site. A long billed vulture is back to roost at the Shelar cliffs – now this is great news. I have been on the lookout for them since they left the cliffs of Shelar a few years ago. I have spotted one here and there but to this endangered skylord in its eyrie with the tell tale white droppings gave me hope. Welcome back I called out to it as I soared past.

All these and countless more wonderful experiences at the amazing
Shelar site come to mind. Somehow I am just not happy about this road. Roads bring their own fair share of changes and troubles and this one makes me uneasy.
Pray people pray. Our wildernesses are shrinking. We need to take care of our playgrounds.
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul.” John Muir
Peace Bliss & Happy Landings
Astrid Rao