XC January – flying back home from Tower Hill
Waiting for the wind – Kate, Anna, Consuelo, Steve, Chico and Asa and Anita I spent the entire month and more traveling all over the county – Coimbatore, Mysore, Bangalore, Gwalior and Delhi and missed out on all the fun and action happening back at Kamshet . Everybody parked at Native Place was making merry with the great conditions at Tower Hill and flying back home to Native Place consistently through the week.
Pushkar told me It was a common sight to see Dag in the garden in the middle of the afternoon packing his glider and chilling with a bottle of beer or to spot Sammy coming in with loads of height doing helicos and SAT’s over the lake, or to spot Steve making it home in tandem and Vinya, Sandeep Bandya and Ravi bringing up the rear.Happy DaysAstrid Rao