Yippee! Tower Hill is working once more :)

Our Swedish visiting pilot group arrived on Thursday night to be greeted by rain on the drive up to Kamshet from Mumbai airport. Friday morning however was a sunny one and Peder told me that Kamshet skies were hospitable to them. Many new pilots in the group had their first top landings, first time above the ridge etc and they were happy but having been our regular visitor over the years Peder was expecting more.

We can call Saturday the official opening of the flying at Tower Hill for the season. It was an amazing day. Flyable from 8.30 in the morning up to sunset. The Tower dished out her usual magic and through the day there were varying conditions to suit any pilot choice. Pilots flew all day long, top landing for refreshments or a break and taking to the air once more. Tandem paragliding passengers had great flights – see picture above of Payal who treated herself to a birthday flight. Me thinks the Swedes did the trick and brought good weather with them and drove away the last vestiges of Cyclone Jal. A truly glorious flying day it was that left me humming the words ‘ what a feeling‘.
Sunday started with mild winds and nice lift but quickly turned to extremely strong winds that went unabated until the evening. But by 5 am the conditions got better and all the patient pilots enjoyed the restitution and flying until sunset.
Peace Bliss & Happy Landings
Astrid Rao